Ken Levine, the creator of the BioShock games, is working on an interactive live-action film based on the television series The Twilight Zone 1959.

The film is interactively through various gameplay elements, so viewers can decide what characters will do in the film, which has an influence on the course of the story.

Levine is still working on his next, secret game with publisher Take-Two while the Twilight Zone film is more of a side project for now. It’s still in early stages — Levine and Interlude have a rough outline and they’re about to dive into writing and the logistics of an interactive script, Wired says:

Playing my games, you can probably tell Twilight Zone is something I grew up with, they speak to a larger truth. They’re morality plays, fables, and often they’re about a character who is going through an experience that’s central to their life but also speaks to a larger part of the human condition.

The project is still in its infancy. It is still unclear if this mix of games and movies will see the light.