The speculations regarding zews being picked up by Liquid have been confirmed, as the Brazilian tactician joined the North American squad in Montreal for Northern Arena and will be coaching them in their upcoming match versus G2.
Liquid’s pickup of Wilton “zews” Prado has been confirmed as the ex-Immortals players and ex-SK coach joined the North American team at Northern Arena, where Spencer “Hiko” Martin and co. are about to play their elimination match versus G2.
zews will return to coaching in Liquid
Liquid is yet to make an official statement, which should reveal more details on the relationship between zews and the team, but is expected to do so soon.
UPDATE: The Co-CEO and Owner of Liquid—LiQuiD112—revealed that zews will be coaching the team at Nothern Arena and IEM Oakland, with everything after that yet to be decided.
Liquid is now:
Nick “nitr0” Cannella
Spencer “Hiko” Martin
Jonathan “EliGE” Jablonowski
Josh “jdm64” Marzano
Jacob “Pimp” Winneche
Wilton “zews” Prado (coach)